Terms & conditions

Optimalassignmenthelp.co.uk strictly works on the terms and conditions provided below. We make all the practical steps and procedures clear between our customers and us. By making such details transparent, we believe there will be nothing left that can be of any trouble, neither for our customers nor for us.

  • Customers cannot request a free revision after seven days of order delivery.
  • We will not refund the full amount that we have charged for the order. We keep 50% of the total amount as service charges.
  • Any unreleased funds will be paid to the expert within 15 days from the date that the work is completed to ensure that he is compensated for the effort.
  • We value your privacy and agree not to disclose any private information unless required by law.
  • The custom papers are to be used as assignments, guides, for study or research purposes only. We give no consent, implied or otherwise, to copy our work.
  • You absolve Optimalassignmenthelp.co.uk of any liability resulting from the unauthorized use of our products and services in violation of the above terms and conditions.
  • Optimalassignmenthelp.co.uk, customer care team, is always available to help you 24/7. Contact us anytime, and we will answer your queries.